Join our Children’s Frequent Buyer’s Club and save!
We love our enthusiastic young readers – encouraging a love of books and reading in children will foster a lifetime of reading for pleasure, from early childhood through the teen years and into adulthood. Our children’s section contains a wide selection of books – all carefully selected by our children’s book buyer, Sue Ranney. Our staff is knowledgeable about reading levels, age appropriate content, and will help you select the perfect book – from board books, picture books, to early and middle readers. We also feature a separate section for young adults with fiction, nonfiction and graphic novels available.
To show our appreciation for your loyalty, we have a Children’s Frequent Buyer’s Club. Once you enroll, we keep track of your purchases and you’ll receive a credit after 10 qualifying purchases which can be used for anything in the store. Our FBC is completely paperless – no slips of paper to keep track of, no cards to carry. Just give your name at checkout, and we take care of the rest!